Latam Desk

The international vocation of Grupo Gispert in the last decade has also strengthened our activity in Latin America, a territory that in 2016 definitively entered into economic recovery.

The economic particularities, both recovery and economic slowdown in these countries require legal services with experience and pragmatism, speed and immediacy, vision and above all knowledge of the markets and sectors of our clients and their transnational businesses.

The orientation of our firm towards Ibero-American territory is supported by our membership in the IR Global network, a network that currently has more than 300 professionals from different top-level firms in South America. This wide range of collaborations allows us to offer comprehensive legal advice on operations and investments on both sides of the Atlantic, with contacts in business associations, industrial organizations and government agencies.

Grupo Gispert provides support to Spanish and Latin American companies for their investments between Latin America and European countries in any type of corporate and tax formulas, permanent establishment, through the constitution or acquisition of a company or the formalization of Joint Ventures. In addition, our network of partners allows us to advise on making business decisions of our customers, whether in the field of commercial, administrative, real estate, labor or tax law.


The Latam Desk of Grupo Gispert gives special advice in:

  • Setting up subsidiaries, branches or representative offices
  • Investments in different sectors
  • Mergers and Adquisitions (M&A)
  • Real estate investments
  • Banking and financial
  • Joint Ventures
  • Project financing.
  • Tax planning and advice


Sönke LundAbogado & Rechtsanwalt

Bosco de Gispert | Abogado

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